Our Mission Statement
We are a not-for-profit national registered cat rescue group set up and run by volunteers. Our primary aim is to help and rescue cats throughout Devon and the UK. We were established in 2009 in Paignton in Devon. We have Mr Kevin Foster MP and the author Chris Pascoe as our patrons.
We rescue and care for ill-treated, unwanted, abandoned and stray domestic and feral cats and kittens, all of whom are neutered, microchipped, vaccinated and treated for fleas and worms, all seen by a vet prior to being offered for re-homing.
We are a ‘no kill’ organisation. If a cat is considered ‘unhomeable’ due to age, temperament or a health condition we seek to keep that cat in foster care for the duration of its life. We only euthanise cats when there is no other option and only on a vet’s advice. This includes FIV+ cats. We have a Sponsored Cat scheme to partly fund these cats.
All prospective new owners will be subject to a home visit, undertaken by one of our volunteers. They will also be invited to view the cat/s of their choice at the home of the fosterer, by mutual appointment. We aim to match the cat and family in a responsible fashion. We also offer full lifetime back up for cats. We expect those not owning their own properties to have written permission to keep a pet.
All those working for Feline Network do so as volunteers. Volunteers are also subject to references and home visit as appropriate for their chosen role within the group.
All funds are raised either via the charity shop in Paignton, and other external fund-raising events, as well as online auctions, Ebay sales and Christmas Raffle. Donations from re-homed cats also go towards vet, food and other sundry bills accrued as a result of caring for our cats.
We are part of the HMRC Gift Aid Scheme.
Our charity shop is our main source of income and is run entirely by volunteers. Accounts and bills for the shop are kept separately.
We have a network of volunteers, including foster families, transport volunteers, home checkers, administration help and shop volunteers. We work alongside other rescue groups to facilitate help for urgent or at-risk cats, and have volunteer help available throughout the UK.
We have humane traps available for helping with ferals in need and can also help to find placements for ferals as required.
We are pleased to help the public with information and advice should they approach us via ‘phone, internet enquiry, at the shop or an event.
We also offer a reasonable microchipping service, which is available at our shop or through home visits.
We offer a service to attend and scan cats who are found straying or deceased, straying cats are paper collared to establish ownership, if this fails we seek to find rescue spaces for these cats.
We are audited each year as per Charity Commission guidelines by James Twigger at Accounting4Everything.
We also have a Paypal account, Justgiving page and designated bank account.
Debbie Johnson
Founder Manager